Your brand is your story. Let’s tell it together.

Branding is really all about storytelling. Your brand is a visual representation of your product, mission, values, customers, and personality and should communicate everything your customer needs to know about your business.

Before we even put pen to paper or hand to mouse, we prioritise getting to know you and fully defining these aspects of your brand, so the visual representation we create is rooted in authenticity and honest communication.

how we craft
your brand
& logo

prioritising collaboration. 

We know we’re the brand design agency but you know your company better than anyone else. That’s why we prioritise collaboration throughout our branding process, we ask the right questions so we can understand your mission, and create a brand you’re proud to stand behind.


maximises your return on investment.

We want to ensure that the work we do for you is valuable to your business. That’s why we suggest an initial discovery phase before your project gets going. A discovery allows us to deep dive into your business, market, and audience, identifying problem areas, dispelling doubts, validating assumptions, and allowing us to better understand you, your vision, goals, and project scope.


  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Competitor Analysis
  • User personas
  • User research
  • Market Analysis
  • Brand Health


it’s time to get creative.

We take the information that we’ve gathered and use this to develop brand pathways. These are distinctly different, conceptual ideas of the potential brand, to demonstrate different directions we could take. This helps us to visualise our initial ideas and ensure that we’re all on the same page when it comes to the final look and feel of the brand or logo.


  • Ideas & Inspiration
  • Brand pathways 
  • Workshop

& Deliver

Your final brand.

Once a pathway has been defined, we create your final brand and this is often so much more than just your logo. Deliverables are unique to each client and their requirements; we’ve created car livery, designed buildings, and decked out offices. Whatever you need for your brand, we’re confident we can deliver.


  • brand guidelines
  • logo
  • brand mark
  • colour palette
  • tone of voice
  • logo assets

experts in
branding &

Our design team are a versatile bunch who each bring a different specialism, or two, to the table.

Branding isn’t just about creating a pretty logo, your brand is a representation of your story, your values, and your connection to your customer.

Luckily, we’re experienced storytellers.

Joe Creative Design Team Lead

UX extraordinaire

not your average Joe

Jules Web Designer

Rachel Creative Design Lead

10 years experience

addicted to chocolate

Dave Senior Graphic Designer

Multidisciplinary designer

massive football fan

Euan Senior Digital Designer

Type enthusiast

a true scotsman

One brand &
Logo Design

Complete the form below and Rachel will be in touch.

Step 1 of 3

01 First of all, tell us a bit about you.

Or say hello the good old fashioned way...

[email protected]

0203 667 5707


Frequently Asked Questions

Answering Life's Biggest Questions.

How long does a logo design take?

A logo design in itself isn’t a particularly time consuming activity, however, it’s the data gathering that feeds into the design decisions that takes the time. This is the most important part of the process; without an accurate understanding of your business, any time spent designing a logo off the cuff will be a waste. You’ll end up with a visual mark that doesn’t reflect any of the unique traits of you, your company, your audience, or your industry which results in a disjointed and inauthentic experience for your customers.


written by Rachel, Creative Design Lead

another question? whatsapp us

How much does branding cost?

Branding doesn’t have a set cost as it’s completely dependent on deliverables. The deliverables of your project will be unique to your business needs. The best thing to do is provide a brief, this is a succinct list of requirements for your branding project. We can chat through this with you and then discuss costs and timeframes from here. Don’t worry if you’re not sure what we need either, we’re happy to make recommendations or base the work we carry out on the budget you have.


written by Joe, Creative Design Team Lead

another question? whatsapp us

I know what I want my brand to look like, do I still need to undergo the discovery phase?

Yes, we’d always recommend a discovery phase. We can tailor the activities undertaken in this phase to suit your requirements and fill any missing gaps in existing research that may have already been undertaken. But ultimately the discovery phase is important to creating a successful brand with longevity as it gathers data unique to you.


written by Euan, Senior Digital Designer

another question? whatsapp us

Can you use data I supply in lieu of the discovery phase?

Yes, if you’ve already performed data analysis, perhaps as part of a previous branding project or when you established your business, then we can definitely use this data to inform our creative decision making. We’d always consider the age of the data, the digital world is fast paced and data can become outdated quickly, and then the type of data collected to ensure we have a comprehensive understanding before we move onto the visuals.


written by Jules, Web Designer

another question? whatsapp us

How many brand pathways do you create?

We’d likely only develop two or three different brand pathways. Our brand pathways are designed to be distinctly different visual ideas, and by this point, the data from our discovery phase will have begun to lead us in a specific direction.


written by Dave, Senior Graphic Designer

another question? whatsapp us