Coffee Direct
Revolutionising the morning brew game since 2007.
Coffee Direct were looking to expand their brand’s prominence on social media and promote their innovative, freshly-ground coffee bean subscription service to coffee aficionados across the UK.
new website users from social media
worth of products purchased from the website via social media ads
trackable purchases

How did we
do it?
From scripting, casting, and staging to directing, shooting, and editing, our creatives focused on producing video content that would reach a wider audience and inspire viewers to engage with the brand directly.
The result was a series of professionally scripted full-length recipe videos, hosted within the Coffee Direct product development kitchen. These tutorials featured an array of fun interpretations of coffee classics, from seasonal pumpkin spiced lattes to mocha mezcal cocktails. A mini-series of bitesize videos was also developed alongside to complement an array of social posts scheduled by our social media team, using only Coffee Direct products.
Many of these images and videos featured on the paid social campaigns, as well as through organic social media, helping to engage a highly relevant audience and drive more sales to the brand.
With the expertise of our creatives, we were able to produce fantastic results that we believe would be anyone’s cuppa!
Not only has cobolt studio increased follower numbers and engagement exponentially, but they've done so in a way that completely complements our brand, and critically delivers a solid return on investment.
Lewis Spencer, CO-founder

You could
be our next
Our folks love their jobs and they want to make a difference. They get just as excited about the results as you would (maybe a little bit more sometimes). You didn’t build your business just to see it flop. You don’t turn up to work every day to get mediocre results. And neither do we.